Aeronautics Commission
The Nebraska Aeronautics Commission was created by the 1935 Legislature to oversee the development of aviation in the state. The Commission operated on its own in this capacity until the creation of the Department of Aeronautics in 1945.
The Aeronautics Commission consists of five members who shall be appointed by the Governor. Each member shall serve until the appointment and qualification of his or her successor. In case of a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term of a member, the appointment shall be made only for the remainder of the term. All members of the commission shall be citizens and bona fide residents of the state and, in making such an appointment, the Governor shall take into consideration the interest or training of the appointee in some one or all branches of aviation. The commission shall, in December of each year, select a chairperson for the ensuing year.
Regular meetings shall be held at the office of the division but, whenever the convenience of the public or of the parties may be promoted or delay or expense may be prevented, the commission may hold meetings or proceedings at any other place designated by it. All meetings of the commission shall be open to the public. All meetings are open to the public and conducted in accordance with the Open Meetings Act. At these meetings, and various other hearings on proposed projects, the Commission serves as an additional channel for citizens to voice their opinions concerning the aeronautics system. Go to the events calendar to see upcoming Aeronautics Commission meetings.
The Commission has several responsibilities. Per Nebraska Revised Statutes Section 3-104, the commission’s primary functions are:
allocate State funds and approve the use of Federal funds to be spent for the construction or maintenance of airport projects,
designate the location, and approve the sites of airports,
arrange and authorize the purchase of aircraft on behalf of the State,
select and approve pilots to be employed by State agencies, and
assist the Director in formulating the regulations and policies to be carried out by the department under the terms of the State Aeronautics Act.
Michael Cook - Bellevue | 2017-2027
Jon Large - Bennet | 2024-2029
Dick Trail - McCook | 2016-2026
Scott Tarry - Omaha | 2020-2025
Tom Trumble - Lincoln | 2018-2028
2024 Meetings Schedule
August 9 - Grant, NE - Open Meetings Act | Legal Ads - (1) | (2) | Book (Part1) (Part3) | Updated Information | Agenda
- October 18 - Grand Island, NE -
- December 1 - NDOT, Lincoln, NE -