- Expand Driving Safely
- Impaired Driving
- Child Passenger Safety
- Distracted Driving
- Drowsy Driving
- Motorcycle/Moped Driving Safety
- Non-Motor Vehicle Safety: ATV, Bike, Pedestrian, & Train
- Seat Belt/Occupant Protection Safety
- Older Drivers
- Roundabouts
- Speed-Related Information
- Expand Teen Drivers
- Work Zone Safety
- Winter Driving Safety
Teen Drivers
Did you know?
- Teen drivers ages 19 and younger represented 5.2% of all licensed drivers in Nebraska; (includes all Learner's Permit (LPD), School Permit (SCP), and Provisional Operator Permit (POP).
- In 2020, 78% of the 18 teen traffic fatalities (drivers and passengers, ages 13-19) were NOT wearing seat belts.
Nebraska teen drivers (ages 19 & younger) were involved in:
- 14% of all reported crashes
- 25% of crashes between 9 p.m. and midnight
- 14% of crashes between midnight and 3 a.m.
- 31% of crashes using a cell phone
- 22% of "speed related" crashes
- 19% of "failure to yield" crashes
- 28% of all single-vehicle rollover crashes
- 19% of crashes due to "road conditions" (snow, ice, water)
- 26% of rear-end type collisions
- 11% of alcohol-involved crashes
When your teens enters his/her driving years, it can cause a mix of excitement and concern for both parents/guardians and the teen driver. Parents/guardians play a big role in keeping their teen safe behind the wheel and on the road.
Teens with involved parents/guardians are:
- Twice as likely to use their seat belt,
- 70 percent less likely to drink and drive,
- Half as likely to speed,
- 30 percent less likely to use a cell phone while driving and
- Significantly less likely to drive with multiple passengers. (Source: CHOP*)
*CHOP (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia)
The statistics show that teens learn to drive by example, meaning how you drive will directly affect how your teen drives. For more information on Graduated Driver’s Licensing (GDL) and helpful tools, visit Nebraska DMV.
Zero Tolerance – Nebraska .02 Law
The Nebraska .02 law or “zero tolerance law” is a law to prevent minors from drinking and driving. Under the law, minors (defined as anyone under age 21) are prohibited from driving with more than .02 grams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood or 210 liters of breath.
The .02 "zero tolerance" law makes it unlawful for anyone under age 21 to have a measurable amount of alcohol in their body while driving on Nebraska roadways.
For more details, click on a corresponding section of law:
- 60-6,211.01 Persons under 21 years of age; prohibited acts.
- 60-6,211.02 Implied consent to submit to a chemical test; when test is administered; refusal; penalty.
- 60-6,211.03 Impound operator’s license; operation relating to employment authorized.
- 60-6,211.04 Applicability of additional laws.
Parent/Teen Driver Resources
- Teen Driving, NHTSA
- Teens in the Driver Seat
- Drive Smart Nebraska (DSN) and Toolkits
- Drive It Home
- Keys2Drive AAA
- Power of Parents MADD
- Features of your car: https://mycardoeswhat.org/