Nebraska’s first Statewide Long-Range Transportation Plan was published as an Executive Summary in 1995. The purpose was to provide a vision for transportation development 20 years into the future. State, local and tribal agencies, transportation organizations, as well as the public were involved. The LRTP is updated every 5 to 7 years. 


The objective of NDOT2040 was to create, through a collaborative process, a statewide transportation planning document. NDOT2040 defined methods for measuring and monitoring progress toward plan goals and objectives. The implemented document, the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) will provide direction for Nebraska's transportation future.


The NDOT2040 planning process answered vital questions such as:

  • What important transportation issues does Nebraska face today?
  • Will they be the same in 20 years?
  • How can we improve our transportation system?
  • What are Nebraska's transportation priorities for tomorrow?
  • How do we pay for transportation system improvements in the future?

The NDOT2040 Plan helped:

  • Identify Nebraska’s transportation priorities, strengths and challenges.
  • Provide direction via goals, objectives, and strategies to address Nebraska’s transportation priorities and challenges.
  • Convey Nebraska’s transportation policies for the next 20 years.  


The current plan (last update - 2020) provides the long range framework that will help guide agencies concerned with Nebraska’s future transportation system.