Stakeholder Advisory Committee
The members of the Stakeholder Advisory Committee bring valuable insights as NDOT considers what issues will be most important to Nebraska’s transportation future. This group represents diverse transportation perspectives from across Nebraska.
This group will meet three times throughout the development of the long-range plan to provide insights into the future of transportation in Nebraska and feedback on the plan’s goals, objectives and recommendations. Members of the Stakeholder Advisory Committee include:

Jon Abegglen, First National Bank of Nebraska
J.D. Alexander, 4 Lanes 4 Nebraska, Alexander Cattle & Feed
K.C. Belitz, Nebraska Community Foundation
Steve Blocher, Nebraska School Board
John Bolduc, Nebraska State Patrol
Lonnie Burklund, City of Lincoln
Eric Carstenson, Nebraska Telecommunications Association
Dan Cotton, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension Office
Larry Dix, Nebraska Association of County Officials
Aaron Evans, Union Pacific Railroad
Curt Friesen, Nebraska State Senator, District 34
Judi Gaiashkibos, Nebraska Commission on Indian Affairs
Kent Grisham, Nebraska Trucking Association
Andy Hale, Nebraska Hospital Association
Julie Harris, Bike Walk Nebraska
Lance Hedquist, Nebraska Community Energy Alliance
Lisa Henning, Nebraska Safety Council
Mike Hilgers, Nebraska State Senator, District 21
Barbara Keegan, Box Butte County Highway Superintendent
Starr Lehl, City of Scottsbluff
Mike Olson, Central Nebraska Regional Airport
Stephen Osberg, Great Omaha Chamber
Dirk Petersen, Nucor Steel
Larry Rilet, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Jim Ristow, City of Bellevue
Bryan Saucerman, Kawasaki Motors Manufacturing Corp., U.S.A.
James (Rusty) Simerl, Federal Highway Administration – Nebraska Division
Curt Simon, Metro Transit
Clay Smith, Nebraska Educational Telecommunications Commission, Speedway Motors
Tanya Storer, Cherry County Commissioner
Bob Stubbe, Omaha Public Works
Joe Werning, Federal Highway Administration – Nebraska Division
Katie Wilson, The Associated General Contractors – Nebraska Chapter
Greg Youell, Omaha-Council Bluffs Metropolitan Area Planning Agency