Look for the Emergency Notification Sign (ENS)
at the crossing and call the 800 number.



If you become aware of a signal malfunction, a dangerous situation (such as a stalled vehicle, other obstruction, or track damage), or a blocked crossing in which the train has not moved for a period of time in excess of 10 minutes, the appropriate railroad should be contacted. Highway-railroad crossings are marked with a unique identifier or DOT number and a number to call is posted at each railroad crossing. The DOT number is a six-digit number with an alpha character at the end (Ex.: 999 999A) and is found on the blue sign mounted on the cross buck post for a passive crossing: it may be found on either the signal mast and/or signal cabin.


If the incident you wish to report is along the rail line, but not at a particular crossing call Union Pacific at 800-848-8715 or BNSF at 800-832-5452.


If you wish to provide feedback regarding a particular blocked crossing, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has established a new, dedicated webpage at, allowing the public and law enforcement to report blocked highway-rail grade crossings. Blocked crossings occur when stopped trains impede the flow of motor vehicle or pedestrian traffic at railroad tracks for extended periods of time. Communities have long dealt with the issue of blocked crossings, and FRA is now seeking broad public input to understand the scope of the problem and engage with affected parties to identify potential solutions.