Please read and understand this disclaimer before using these files! Your failure to do so does not constitute an error on the part of NDOT.
The Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT) allows the use of the information, including but not limited to data/design files, from its website on the express condition that such information is to be used at the user's risk.
NDOT expressly disclaims warranty of any type for such information, and makes no representation whatsoever regarding the correctness, the completeness, the merchantability or fitness for a particular use of such information. NDOT does not warrant such information against deficiencies of any type of nature. The use of such information for work which is under contract with NDOT does not relieve the contractor of any obligation assumed by the contractor for the complete and proper fulfillment of the terms of the contract. NDOT shall not be responsible for loss or damage to the contractor attributed to or resulting from the contractor's use of such information.
WARNING: Website information is subject to periodic change and/or updating without notice. Anyone relying on such information must bear the risk that the information downloaded previously may not be the most current version available. It is the user's responsibility to check often for updates. The best way to do this is to subscribe for updates.
Compatibility Statement
The Nebraska Department of Transportation has standardized on Bentley MicroStation 2023 and has released their CAD standards and subsequent documentation to support this environment. All current standards are deployed through the ProjectWise managed workspaces. The standards and applications have been tested and deployed for production use at NDOT running within the following environment:
Windows 10 Enterprise/64 bit
Microsoft .NET Framework 4
Microsoft Office 365
ProjectWise Explorer CONNECT Edition
OpenRoads Designer
MicroStation Connect
OpenBridge Modeler
OpenBridge Designer
Road Design & Construction Glossary
Planimetric Guidelines
- Imperial Mapping Guidelines // Updated 8-22-24
- LiDAR Mapping Guidelines // Updated 8-22-24
- Preliminary Survey CAD Levels - Imperial Units // Updated 2-15-13
Design Documentation
- Standard Notes
- Plan Development Guidance // Updated 6-28-23
- CADD Policy // Updated 10-8-24
- Design Process Outline // Updated 4-15-24
- Contacts // Updated 3-13-25
- Level Names // Updated 4-25-17
- Lighting Details // Updated 9-9-21
- MS Print // Updated 10-2-18
- MS Print Organizer // Updated 3-20-19
- Highway, Bridge, and Local Projects
- Standard/Special Plans Manual
Right of Way Design Documentation
- GEODE Demonstration Video
- Standard ROW Library Statements (GEODE) - Word | PDF
- Legal Description Word Template
- Condemnation Legal Description Template
- LPA Condemnation Plat and Description Resource Guide
- LPA Condemnation Plat Border Autocad
- Retrieving Existing ROW Archived Plans from OnBase
- LPA Declaration As To Use Guide and Templates
- LPA Condemnation Plat Border
Floodplain Certification Documentation
- Floodplain Certification Guidelines
- Floodplain Certification Memo - Template
- Certification of Compliance - Template
- Floodplain Mapping Guidance
- Floodplain Certification Memo Guidance
- Certification of Compliance Guidance
- Certification of Compliance - Example
Custom Applications