Mission: Enhancing Rail Safety and collaborating with our partners and customers
to preserve and improve the transportation system throughout Nebraska.
The Rail Division implements rail-related policies; coordinates Railroad engineering review and agreement execution for state and certain local projects; monitors potential rail line abandonments; oversees rail-highway safety and rail crossing inventory; and serves as the department’s liaison to all Railroads in Nebraska.
Nebraska has:
- 12 Freight Operators
- 3,375 miles of freight track
- 3,002 Public Crossings
- 702 Crossings with safety devices
Contact Our Team
For rail track issues contact the railroad:
UP – 800-484-8715
BNSF – 800-832-5452
For rail issues on county roads contact:
The County Highway Superintendent
For rail issues on city streets contact:
The city/village public work/street superintendent
For rail issues on state highways or interstate contact NDOT:
402-479-3859 | 402-479-4515 | 402-479 4523
or NDOT.Rail@Nebraska.gov
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Who do I contact about blocked crossings?
A: See contact information, for track and rail issues contact the railroad, for issues on county roads contact the county highway superintendent, for rail issues on city roads contact the city road coordinator and for issues on highways or interstate contact NDOT. For more information about non-emergency crossing issues, visit the Reporting Non-Emergency Problems page.
Q: Who do I contact about rough crossings?
A: See contact information, for track and rail issues contact the railroad, for issues on county roads contact the county highway superintendent, for rail issues on city roads contact the city road coordinator and for issues on highways or interstate contact NDOT. For more information about non-emergency crossing issues, visit the Reporting Non-Emergency Problems page.
If you wish to provide feedback regarding a particular blocked crossing, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has established a new, dedicated webpage at www.fra.dot.gov/blockedcrossings, allowing the public and law enforcement to report blocked highway-rail grade crossings. Blocked crossings occur when stopped trains impede the flow of motor vehicle or pedestrian traffic at railroad tracks for extended periods of time. Communities have long dealt with the issue of blocked crossings, and FRA is now seeking broad public input to understand the scope of the problem and engage with affected parties to identify potential solutions.
Q: How do I report a rail accident or emergency?
A: Call the number on the Emergency Notification Sign at the crossing. For information emergency crossing issues, visit the Reporting Emergency Problems page.