Consultant Evaluations


In accordance with Neb. Rev. Stat. 81-1713 and 23 CFR 172.9(d)(2), NDOT Project Coordinators (PCs) conduct periodic performance evaluations of our consultant partners.  Evaluation data is used not only to provide timely feedback to consultants during the performance of the services, but also for consideration as an element of past performance in the future evaluation of the consultant to provide similar services.


There are four categories of performance:

  1. Communication, Cooperation and Project Management

  2. Schedule

  3. Scope & Budget

  4. Quality & Technical Performance


For more information on how NDOT scores these four categories, please see the following document:

Consultants may receive evaluations directly from NDOT PCs and may also sign up for a monthly report of all evaluations of their firm completed during the previous month.  Please submit the following form to add or update where your firm’s evaluations are emailed.