- Expand Driving Safely
- Expand Impaired Driving
- Child Passenger Safety
- Distracted Driving
- Drowsy Driving
- Motorcycle/Moped Driving Safety
- Non-Motor Vehicle Safety: ATV, Bike, Pedestrian, & Train
- Seat Belt/Occupant Protection Safety
- Older Drivers
- Roundabouts
- Speed-Related Information
- Teen Drivers
- Work Zone Safety
- Winter Driving Safety
Report Impaired Drivers
Nebraska Emergency Highway Help Line: 1-800-525-5555 or *55 from a mobile phone
Nebraska Impaired Driving Task Force
The Impaired Driving Task Force (IDTF) was initially convened in April 2017 to discuss the impaired driving issues in the State, the challenges that need to be addressed, ongoing and planned initiatives, and potential new strategies for further consideration. The Task Force represents many agencies and organizations across all geographic areas of the State including law enforcement, driver licensing, treatment, highway safety, research and advocacy and non-profit groups whose missions include addressing impaired driving.
Under the direction and contribution of the statewide IDTF, the purpose of the Nebraska Impaired Driving Strategic Plan (IDSP) is to provide a comprehensive strategy for preventing and reducing impaired driving. The Plan provides data on the impaired driving problem in Nebraska, documents ongoing initiatives to address various aspects of the problem, and discusses potential new strategies.
The Nebraska Department of Transportation Highway Safety Office (NDOT-HSO) will manage the IDTF as a priority program. The strategies and targets developed by the IDTF will be tracked for progress along with all impaired driving projects by the NDOT-HSO.
Alcohol/Drug Fatal Crash Information Report Forms
This form will be used by law enforcement/county attorneys to report the alcohol and drug analysis for all drivers/pedestrians involved in a fatality crash on any Nebraska roadway.
This form can be used by law enforcement/county attorneys to request reimbursement for the cost of the alcohol/drug analysis for fatal crash drivers/pedestrians.
IGNITION INTERLOCK DEVICE - Equipment / Installation Information
- Nebraska Approved Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device (B.A.I.I.D.) Equipment
- 2018 TIRF USA Annual Interlock Survey
Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor
The Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor (TRSP) is available to assist city and county attorneys with prosecution of impaired driving and motor vehicle homicide cases. The TSRP is also available to provide training and other technical assistance in traffic-related cases. For more information, contact Ed Vierk at the Nebraska Attorney General's Office, phone (402) 471-2683 or by email at ed.vierk@nebraska.gov.
Effects of Alcohol Consumption
Information in this table shows the BAC level at which the effect usually is first observed, and has been gathered from a variety of sources including the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, the American Medical Association, and www.webMD.com.