In 2017, Nebraska reported animal related vehicle crashes:

  • 2,558 reported animal-related motor vehicle crashes, a decrease of 3.4% from the previous year (2,648).
  • 2,321 property damage animal-related motor vehicle crashes.
  • 216 injuries caused by animal-related vehicle crashes.
  • An increase of 200% from the previous year of one to three fatalities related to an animal/motor vehicle crash.
  • The economic costs in 2015 for crashes involving animals was $20,647,200* (per death not each fatal crash), per nonfatal disabling injury (A) (not each injury crash), visible, but not disabling injury (B), visible, but not disabling injury (C), and per property damage crash.
  • 90.7% of all the animal-related motor vehicle crashes were property damage only crashes.

*Source: National Safety Council, Injury Facts 2015 Edition for economic projects costs


Nebraska Animal-Related / Vehicle Crash: