NDOT's Roadside Development and Compliance (RDC) Unit's primary focus is ensuring stormwater/erosion and sediment control BMPs are incorporated into project designs, NPDES Permits are complied with during and after construction including the stabilization of NDOT roadsides with native vegetation, and the coordination of environmental regulations at NDOT maintenance facilities.
RSU is directly responsible for the following:
- National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permits
- Construction Stormwater
- NDOT Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit
- Concrete Grinding
- Dewatering
- Pesticides
- Erosion & Sediment Control Design
- Landscaping
- Seeding and Vegetation Management
- Stormwater Training and Certification
- Facility Maintenance and Operations - Hazard Mitigation
- ECO-Database Environment Commitment Tracking System
- Study explores value of Nebraska’s roadside restoration efforts - IANR News