Use of Right of Way
- Outdoor Advertising Vegetation Removal Guidelines
- Permit Application Guidelines
- Development and Permit Guidance
- Application (NDOT 19) to Occupy Right of Way
- Application (NDOT 22) to Construct Access
- Application (NDOT 26) for Encroachment
- Application (NDOT 220) to Trim or Remove Vegetation for Outdoor Advertising
- IRS Form W-9 (required for performance guarantee)
- Materials Guidance
- Potential Impacts to State Drainage Facilities
Where to Mail your Application
Locate which district you are in using the District Map below, then download that district's location information.

District 1 | District 2 | District 3 | District 4 | District 5 | District 6 | District 7 | District 8
Other Right-of-Way Permits
- Highway Beautification Control: Advertising Signs & Junkyards
- Banners
- Events
- District 2 - Permit Policy for Lane Closures