Wind Measurement Equipment Towers in Nebraska by County

Click here to view all METs in Nebraska by County.


Register or Notice of Removal of Wind Measurement Equipment Towers (2010-LB 1048)

Wind Measurement Equipment Towers (MET Tower) in Nebraska that exceed a height of 50’ and are outside the boundaries of any incorporated city or village are required to be registered with the NDOT / Division of Aeronautics. 

Notice must be filed with the Division of Aeronautics when Wind Measurement Equipment Towers are removed.



Register a MET Tower or Send Notice of Removal of a MET Tower

Email a spreadsheet file:

Mail a completed pdf form:

  • Download the appropriate form: Registration Form  |  Notice of Removal Form
  • Print and complete the form.
  • Mail the completed form to:
    NDOT / Division of Aeronautics
    1600 Nebraska Parkway
    Lincoln, NE 68502-4101



Regulations of Structures, Permit to Build Structures over 150' AGL

A separate permit is required from the NDOT / Division of Aeronautics before erecting/building any structure exceeding a height of 150 feet above the surface of the ground at the point of installation, unless erected under the authority of a license or permit issued by a federal agency. See Nebraska Revised Statutes 3-401 et. Seq.



Safety Marking for MET Towers




The information on this website is made available in compliance with Nebraska Revised Statutes section 66-1901.

This information is provided by the person or firms owning or leasing the wind measurement equipment whose identity appears on the Form.

The State of Nebraska, NDOT / Division of Aeronautics, assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein.