Move Over, Slow Down
If you see a stopped emergency or maintenance vehicle with its emergency lights flashing, MOVE OVER OR SLOW DOWN. One of the most dangerous places for emergency responders and maintenance personnel is along the side of the road. Each year hundreds of these hard working men and women are injured or killed by passing motorists while working along the nation’s highways.
Emergency personnel, maintenance workers, and others who work on busy highways take every possible precaution to avoid getting hit by vehicles. Every state has enacted “Move Over” laws, requiring motorists to change lanes or, if not possible, slow down when approaching stopped emergency vehicles. When motorists obey the Move Over Law and create a safety zone, they reduce the dangers to themselves and those who work along our highways.
State law requires drivers approaching a stationary emergency vehicle displaying flashing lights, including towing and recovery vehicles, traveling in the same direction, to vacate the lane closest if safe and possible to do so, or slow to a reasonable speed for road and traffic conditions.
The law was expanded in 2017, to include any stationary vehicles (utility, garbage, etc) with safety lights flashing.
A driver approaching a stopped emergency vehicle, including tow trucks, with flashing lights and traveling in the same direction is required to vacate the lane closest to the vehicle or reduce speed and maintain a safe speed while passing the vehicle. If vacating the closest lane is not possible, a driver must slow to a safe speed.