What is the Adopt-A-Highway Program?
The first Adopt-A-Highway program in the nation began in Texas in 1985, and is now international in scope. Nebraska's program officially began in April of 1990, through the efforts of Gretna State Senator, Emil Beyer. The program is currently sponsored by the Nebraska Department of Transportation. More information is available by calling 402-479-4542.
In the past years, the Adopt-A-Highway program has grown to cover about one-quarter of the State’s 10,000 miles of roads. Currently 791 groups have adopted a section of Nebraska roadsides as their own!
The Great Nebraska Trash-Off
The "Great Nebraska Trash-Off " is an annual event, usually held in April through May. This marathon period of cleaning Nebraska highways generates lots of fun and competition between groups, as well as good publicity for the program and those who participate.

Criteria for Adopting
Basic Guidelines:
- The organization shall not be a for-profit commercial venture, political action committee, or a political organization.
- The adopted section must be along a state-maintained highway.
- The group agrees to pick up adopted sections twice a year for two years (agreement is renewable).
- Sections are a minimum of two miles and a maximum of six miles.
- The group agrees to perform the work in a satisfactory, safe, and professional manner, and will conduct a safety meeting prior to their litter pickups.
- The group agrees to give the Department of Transportation 48 hours’ notice before performing litter removal.
- Adult supervision is required for volunteers under the age of 15.
- The State provides the nameplate signs installed at each end of the adopted section, litter bags, traffic signs, safety vests, and disposes of the filled trash bags. The sponsor agrees to use only State-provided equipment during their litter pickups.
Adopt-A-Highway Resources:

In Memoriam Adoptions
An increasing number of roadside sites are being adopted by families or groups wanting to adopt in memory of someone who has passed, whether in an accident or from natural causes. It is an ideal way to remember a person without placing the illegal crosses/flowers on the right-of-way. The crosses create a real problem and danger for the crews mowing. "In Memoriam" adoptions are processed the same way as regular adoptions.
How to Apply
- Print the Adopt-A-Highway Application and fill it out.
- View a map with sections available for adoption. Zoom in on the map or click on a section to see more detail like reference post numbers. Sections in green are available for adoption.
- Please email (preferred) or mail your application to the district contact for the county you want to adopt. Email and mailing addresses are listed below.
- The District Office will process your application and get in touch with you.
Not sure where to mail your application or need help choosing an area to adopt? Contact your district!
District 1 | Vicki Simon | 302 Superior St, PO Box 94759 | Lincoln, NE 68509-4759
District 2 | Natalie Clark | 4425 S 108th St, PO Box 45461 | Omaha, NE 68145-0461
District 3 | Heidi Brenneman | 408 N 13th St | Norfolk, NE 68702-1707
District 4 | Lisa Anderson | 211 N Tilden St, PO Box 1488 | Grand Island, NE 68802-1488
District 5 | Mindy Whiteley, Brandy Robinson | 140375 Rundell Road, PO Box 220 | Gering, NE 69341
District 6 | Lisa Stadler | 1321 N Jeffers, PO Box 1108 | North Platte, NE 69103-1108
District 7 | Maggie Repass | 619 Auditorium Dr | McCook, NE 69001-0530
District 8 | Susan Hoover | East Highway 20, 736 E 4th St | Ainsworth, NE 69210-1215
You may also contact the AAH program administrator at 402-479-4542.