The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Emergency Relief (ER) Program, administered by the NDOT Local Public Assistance, helps local public agencies (LPAs) secure federal aid reimbursement for disaster-related infrastructure repairs. The program ensures roads and bridges are restored after a disaster event.
Program Requirements
A disaster declaration issued at the federal or state level
An estimated $700,000 or more in estimated damages across FA routes statewide
Damaged FA routes restored to pre-declared-disaster condition
Emergency vs. Permanent Repairs
Emergency repairs seek to stabilize conditions, while permanent repairs seek to restore the FA route to pre-disaster conditions. LPAs are empowered to begin emergency repairs immediately following the declared event to minimize extent of damage, protect remaining facilities, or restore essential traffic.
Project Implementation
ER-funded permanent repair projects must follow FHWA requirements. NDOT oversees compliance with all federal and state requirements. The reimbursement documentation submitted showing cost, justification, and compliance with requirements is a critical component to final ER eligibility and reimbursement.
Helpful Tools
The NDOT Emergency Relief Program Guide provides Nebraska-specific guidance on eligibility and administration of the FHWA Emergency Relief (ER) program. It supplements the FHWA ER Manual and applies to federal aid (FA) routes within local road systems. State and National Functional Classification Maps are available in NDOT’s Map Library.
When to Use This Guide
LPAs should review this guide proactively but will reference it most in these situations:
Before a major weather event – As a refresher on procedures if damage occurs to FA routes.
After a disaster – To document damages on FA routes.
Following a disaster declaration – When seeking FHWA reimbursement for FA route repairs.
NDOT provides an online portal for submitting event-related information. When an emergency occurs, NDOT activates the portal and notifies LPAs to submit damage details by FA route. The portal remains in use throughout the ER process for the submission of required information and materials.
Identify Your Federal-Aid Highway Routes: Create a list of the Federal-aid routes in your county or community, as damage to these routes may be eligible for funding under FHWA's ER program. Federal-aid highways typically include interstates, freeways, arterials, and major collector roads. Generally, rural minor collectors and local roads are not eligible.
Documenting Emergency Repair Costs: If you are performing emergency repairs to restore essential traffic, minimize damage, or protect remaining facilities, keep detailed records of all costs incurred. Be sure to take photos of the damaged area before beginning any repairs, as these will be essential when NDOT or the local agency seeks reimbursement under the ER program.
Forms & Examples
Appendix A: Sample Governor's Proclamation
Appendix B: Sample State Letter of Intent
Appendix C: Sample FHWA Acknowledgment Letter
Appendix D: Sample ER Request Memorandum
Appendix E: Sample State Letter for Quick Release of ER Funds
Appendix F: Sample State Letter Requesting ER Funds
Appendix G: NDOT Record of Conversation Form
Appendix H: NDOT LPA Emergency Repair Decision Worksheet
Appendix J: NDOT Right of Entry
Appendix K: NDOT Right of Way Certification for Emergency Relief Projects
Appendix L: NDOT LPA Encroachments Review Form
Appendix M: FHWA Right of Way Certificate Form (AP-18)
Appendix N: FHWA Detailed Damage Inspection Report
Appendix O: NDOT County Letterhead Sample
Appendix P: Sample NDOT Resolution for Emergency Permanent Repairs
Appendix Q: Sample NDOT ER Expense Report Worksheet
- ER Program Manual
- FEMA Equipment Rates
- FHWA Emergency Relief Program
- FHWA Emergency Relief Website for Nebraska Flooding
- Defining and Managing Emergency Relief Repair Activities Eligible for 100 Percent Federal Funding (Revised) (03/07/2022)
For questions about the FHWA ER Program in Nebraska:
Jodi Gibson
Local Assistance Division Manager
Jeff Soula
Professional Engineer III
Paul Kieper