Saddle Creek Bridge, CN 22761, NH-6-7(187)
Delivery Method: CM/GC
Advertisement Date: June 2025

Key Repairs:
The bridge (Structure No.: S006 37025) will be replaced with a new bridge. A grade raise of the entire structure is not anticipated.
This project will be constructed under traffic with lane closures controlled by appropriate traffic control devices and practices.
All or most of the project work will be accomplished during daytime hours, but night work will be necessary for some work such as removals.
Additional property rights may be required to build this project.
The Dodge Street Overpass is a 72 ft. bridge located in Douglas County in the Midtown area of Omaha on Highway US-6 at MM 370.25, at the grade separation of US-6 (Dodge St.) and Saddle Creek Rd.
The overpass (and the Saddle Creek Underpass), was part of a larger federal aid project called the Dodge Street Project, which improved traffic flow by widening Dodge Street and adding modern street lighting, interlocking traffic signals, pedestrian subways, and a grade separation at Saddle Creek Boulevard. Remaining essentially unaltered since its construction in 1934, it is listed in the National Register of Historic Places as an excellent example of a structure produced under New Deal relief projects of the 1930s.
The Department of Roads designed the overpass as a concrete rigid frame structure, incorporating salvaged Dodge Street curbstones for its 4,160-square-foot stone facing. To accommodate the underpass, over 1,175 cubic yards of dirt were excavated to lower Saddle Creek Road.
(Source: Federal Highway Administration)
NDOT is actively developing draft documents that will be provided for industry review and comment prior to the RFP in July 2025. Additional project information, including but not limited to, more detailed scope, schedule, existing geotechnical information, existing utilities, and traffic data will be included in the project page March 2025.